Preparing a Semen Sample with Ongo Slides

Proper semen sample preparation is crucial for accurate and reliable results when using Ongo Slides with Ongo Compact and Ongo Vision Semen Analyzers. This article will guide you through the step-by-step process of preparing semen samples using Ongo Slides, ensuring optimal conditions for analysis.

Slide Preparation

  1. Warm the slide: Place an unused Ongo Slide on the periphery of the heated stage, with the chambers facing upside down. This allows the slide to warm up to body temperature, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the semen sample.

  1. Deposit the sample: Using appropriate tools, such as a pipette, deposit approximately 5 microliters of the diluted semen sample at the opening of the chamber, indicated by an arrow. The unique design of Ongo Slides will automatically draw the fluid into the chamber through capillary action.

  1. Remove excess fluid: After depositing the sample, use a clean, lint-free cloth to gently remove any excess fluid from the slide's surface. This step is critical to prevent sample drift, which can affect the accuracy of the analysis.

Tips for Successful Sample Preparation

  • Always use a fresh, unused Ongo Slide for each semen sample to avoid contamination and ensure accurate results.
  • Ensure that the semen sample is properly diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions or laboratory protocols before depositing it onto the Ongo Slide.
  • Be precise when depositing the sample, as over- or under-filling the chamber can lead to inaccurate measurements.
  • Handle Ongo Slides with care, avoiding touching the chambers or the slide's surface to minimize the risk of contamination.


  • If the sample does not fill the chamber completely, try depositing an additional small volume of the diluted semen sample at the chamber opening.
  • If excess fluid remains on the slide's surface after removing it with a cloth, use a clean corner of the cloth to gently absorb the remaining fluid, being careful not to touch the chamber openings.

Preparing semen samples with Ongo Slides is a simple and straightforward process that plays a vital role in obtaining accurate and reliable results from Ongo Compact and Ongo Vision Semen Analyzers.

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